2=a.This will build the files for burning to dvd-r. you must do this for both halves. however build one half then burn it before building the second half.
4=a.Step 2:
5=a.This Will Build A UDF Iso from the built files and then burn the file to DVD-R, DVD-RW, or DVD+RW.
1=a.Read Me !!! Please Read Before Going Further. You Are Bound By This Contract. Read Me !!!
21=a.This software is for backing up your own DVD movie collection Only.
22=a.Under no reason can you copy movies that are not your own.
23=a.This software was designed only to protect your investment.
24=a.Many companies have a Bologna Policy that THEY CAN NOT send replacement discs for your scratched disc, even if you offer to pay shipping and handling.
25=a.Those companies are only looking to fatten there wallets. After numerous incidents like this i made this software to protect your investment.
26=a.If those companies dont care to help you protect your investment this software will.
27=a.so by agreeing to this contract, you agree to only use this software to backup your own personal dvd library collection and nothing else.
5=a.Select your IFO DVD Files
9=a.Below are the files associated with the dvd ifo file you selected. this is where you select the files for the first dvd. the remainder files will be used for the second unless it requires three dvd's
1=a.Please Select A IFO File. The Extension is .ifo
2=a.Thanks For Trying This Software. Thanks For Being Honest, We Dont Allow Piracy Because The Whole Intension For These Tools Is For Backing Up your Own Library Only and Nothing More. Thanks.
3=a.All Done
4=a.Please go to the start -> programs -> DVDMovieBackup folder and run the dvd player program. Run it for a few minutes and then close it. Then restart this program.